by Magic Chris

Here are my tips for happy adventuring in Asylum:

(1) All persons in the game can be refered to as INMATE.

(2) You canīt enter a maze twice and you can only carry a certain amount
    of items. It is therefore important to leave the red herrings and
    the used items behind. Since you have absolutely no clues which items
    you will need later in the game, here is a list of the items and where
    to leave them:

    - .... red herring
    * .... special purpose item (you have to do something with it)
    ** ... used more than once! 
    p0 ... leave in pentagon maze before entering any maze
    px ... leave in pentagon maze after exiting maze x
    mx ... leave in maze x

    Often you have to use items once before leaving them, but there are
    a few items which you will need again! So in the pentagon maze it is
    very important to leave the items in a room and *NOT* in the corridors.
    It is best to use one "storage" room, so you can find dropped items

    ancient key (p1, m3)
    axe (m1)
    baseball (m2)
    bat (p2) **
    brass key (-)
    bucket (-)
    burro (p1)
    cigarettes (p1,p2) **
    coat (p0)
    computer (*)
    copper key (p2)
    crank (m3)
    fishing galoshes (p1)
    flies (p1)
    gold (p2)
    grenade (*)
    hat (-)
    headlight (-)
    lantern (m2)
    marbles (m2)
    matches (m3) **
    nails (m2)
    newspaper (p0)
    nose (m1)
    note (m1)
    pass key (m3) **
    peg (m1)
    pin (p0)
    silver key (p0) **
    steel key (p1) **  
    tire (-)
    tuba (-)
    uniform (p0,p2) 
    voltage regulator (m3)
    windshield wiper (-)
    wire hanger (*)